Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Dream Job

Hey there!

Long time no see! I apologize for the hide and seek game I have been playing with my blog as of late.  I recently landed my dream job! I am working for my town library. It has always been a dream of mine to work at a bookstore or library. I love it. It is one of my passions to read and to be among books. Having this job allows me to read the titles, be amongst the books and all the current happenings in the literary world. So far it has encouraged me to read more and also to read different things than I have been accustomed to. We are also getting ready to gear up for the Summer Reading Club for the children and juniors. Should be a lot of fun. I have not yet started on my Summer Reading List but I will shortly and would love for you to share yours with me. : )

Happy Reading!

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