Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Thought for Today

  Good Morning! This photo from travelphotoguide.com caught my eye. I have always been inspired by blue skies over water. I wish I was there with my fishing pole in the water and my camera set up on a tripod, ready to capture scenes from nature.

There is something about nature that helps me feel so connected and at peace with God and myself.
Here is an excerpt from my morning devotional that I found very thought provoking.

This is taken from Streams In The Desert written by Mrs. Charles W. Cowman

" We must remember that it is not in any easy or self-indulgent life that Christ will lead us to greatness.  The easy life leads not upward, but downward.  Heaven always is above us, and we must ever be looking up toward it.  There are some people who always avoid things that are costly, that require self-denial, or self- restraint and sacrifice, but toil and hardship show us the only way to nobleness.  Greatness comes not by having a mossy path made for you through the meadow, but by being sent to hew out a roadway by your own hands.  Are you going to reach the mountain splendors?"

taken from Google Images peilife.com